HC Deb 16 March 1993 vol 221 cc188-9

Following heavy losses in recent years, the banks are bound to be more cautious in their lending in future. Moreover, the fall in property prices has reduced the security for many of their loans. As the recovery progresses, small firms may therefore find that their prospects for expansion are increasingly threatened by a shortage of bank finance. My first proposal is directed precisely at that problem.

The Government's loan guarantee scheme helps entrepreneurs who have viable projects but who do not have the track record or loan security to attract sufficient finance on their own. It enables them to borrow with a Government guarantee, usually for 70 per cent. of the value of the loan, in return for paying a premium of 2½ per cent. on the guaranteed part of the loan.

In Germany and the United States, a large proportion of lending to small businesses is done at fixed rates of interest. By contrast, in Britain, most borrowing is linked to the level of base rates. I have long believed that many small businesses would benefit from making more use of fixed-rate finance, which would give them more stability and would enable them to plan ahead.

I propose therefore to make a substantial reduction in the loan guarantee scheme premium for guarantees on fixed-rate lending. This will fall to ½ per cent. and will, I hope, encourage more fixed-rate lending. I also intend to reduce the premium on other variable rate loans to 1½per cent. The premiums will henceforth apply to the whole loan, not just the guaranteed portion. This change should take effect in the next month or so.

I also propose that the limit on the size of loan allowed to such businesses should be raised from £100,000 to £250,000, and the proportion of the loan guaranteed increased from 70 per cent. to 85 per cent. I am sure that those proposals will be warmly welcomed by small businesses. My right hon. Friend the President of the Board of Trade and I will be taking this forward urgently with the banks.

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