HC Deb 25 February 1993 vol 219 c995
7. Mr. Mans

To ask the Minister of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food what steps he has taken to ensure that set-aside is implemented on a comparable basis everywhere in the EC.

Mr. Gummer

Detailed Commission implementing rules provide a common basis for set-aside across all member states. We intend to hold the Commission to that, and to ensure that other member states follow the rules as we ourselves shall.

Mr. Mans

Has my right hon. Friend any plans to extend the scheme to the fishing industry, so that it can be implemented fairly? It should be borne in mind that the industry is currently in dire straits—particularly in my port of Fleetwood, where, as recently as this morning, a firm went into voluntary liquidation.

Mr. Gummer

The differences involved are considerable. In the agricultural sector, we are trying to reduce over-production, whereas in the fishing sector we are trying to reduce effort: there are fewer fish to be caught each year because of the over-use of effort. As my hon. Friend will know very well, a decommissioning scheme is now part of our fisheries package, and I very much hope that that will prove helpful.

Madam Speaker

Order. It would be helpful if the Minister addressed the microphone; if he does not do so, it is difficult to hear what he is saying.

Mr. Skinner

Why does not the Minister reconsider the proposal by his hon. Friend the Member for Wyre (Mr. Mans) for set-aside schemes for fish farms? He might then qualify for such a scheme. He could turn his pond into a fish farm for which the taxpayer would have to foot the bill; then he could have another set-aside scheme to pay for the fence. Some of us think that the Minister is building a farm down there—or perhaps it is a horse-racing stud: after all, it is close to Newmarket.

Mr. Gummer

The hon. Gentleman's question shows the seriousness with which he takes all our efforts. I doubt whether the House wants an answer to it—[Interruption.] I doubt whether the House wants an answer different from the one that I have given. I thank him for bringing yet more levity to our proceedings.

Mr. Moss

No doubt my right hon. Friend is aware of the rumours that now abound that EC farmers, particularly in France, have yet again stolen a march on United Kingdom farmers in securing the right to grow oilseed rape on set-aside land as long as the oil is used for biofuel. Would he care to comment on that? Will he give the House an assurance that he will fight, on behalf of United Kingdom farmers, for our right to a share of the EC funds that have been earmarked for biofuel research?

Mr. Gummer

We already have that right. No march has been stolen on us. Anyone who can sign a contract that ensures that the product will have an end use in biofuels or the like will have that right in this country, just as they would have it in France or any other Community nation.