That European Community Documents Nos. 4829/92, relating to Community spending and revenue to 1997, 5201/92, relating to Community finances to 1997, 5202/92, relating to the system of Community own resources, 5203/92, relating to renewal of the inter-institutional agreement on budgetary discipline, 8567/92, relating to the Cohesion Fund, 6569/92 relating to the European Court of Auditors' Opinion No. 2/92, COM (92)140, relating to the Preliminary Draft Budget for 1993, 7933/92, relating to the letter of amendment No. 1 to the Preliminary Draft Budget for 1993, 8209/92, relating to the Draft Budget for 1993, SEC(92) 1412, relating to the UK abatement, the European Court of Auditors' Annual Report for 1990 with the Institutions' Replies and SEC(92) 1990, relating to the principle of subsidiarity, shall not stand referred to European Standing Committee B.—[Mr. Greg Knight.]