HC Deb 09 November 1992 vol 213 cc625-6 3.31 pm
Mr. David Winnick (Walsall, North)

On a point of order, Madam Speaker. Can you confirm that it is the right of hon. Members on both sides of the House to be able to go about their business, including voting, without being intimidated?

I wish to bring to your notice an article which has appeared in a newspaper in which the hon. Member for Billericay (Mrs. Gorman) says that, during the debate and voting last Wednesday, she was described as a "Judas" and a "scab", and was verbally and sexually harassed. As I understand it, the newspaper in question has asked whether you will make an inquiry or investigation into the matter. Has a complaint, either from the hon. Member for Billericay or from any other hon. Member, come to your attention, officially or unofficially? What steps will you take to deal with the matter?

Mr. Tony Banks (Newham, North-West)

Further to that point of order, Madam Speaker—

Madam Speaker

Order. The question of intimidation may well be a matter of privilege. As the hon. Gentleman is aware, matters of privilege should not be raised across the Floor of the House. If the hon. Gentleman or any other hon. Members have matters of this nature to raise with me, they should do so in writing, and they will be dealt with.

Mr. Tony Banks

Further to that point of order, Madam Speaker.

Mr. Doug Hoyle (Warrington, North)

Further to that point of order, Madam Speaker.

Madam Speaker

Order. There can be no further paint of order on the matter of privilege. I have made it clear that, if there is any suggestion of intimidation, it could become a matter of privilege. Therefore, any hon. Member who has any concern whatever about it should write to me in the usual way.

Mr. MacKinlay

Further to that point of order, Madam Speaker. I wonder whether you have been approached by the President of the Board of Trade about making a statement on the crisis at Ford. We read statements today that Ford is contemplating the compulsory dismissal of thousands of staff—

Madam Speaker

Order. The answer is no, I have not.

Mr. Tony Banks (Newham, North-West)

On a point of order, Madam Speaker. I simply wanted to know whether the revealing of sexual secrets on behalf of hon. Members is also considered a matter of privilege. Whose privilege was it?

Madam Speaker

I dealt fairly fully with that matter earlier.

Mr. Doug Hoyle (Warrington, North)

On a point of order, Madam Speaker. You may have see in press reports that the court case at the Old Bailey against three executives from Matrix Churchill has now collapsed because the Department of Trade and Industry cannot sustain the case. The case has lifted the cloak of secrecy on the arms that went to Iraq. Will the President of the Board of Trade come along and make a full statment on the arms dealing between this country and Saddam Hussein?

Madam Speaker

I have not been informed by any Government Department that a Minister seeks to make a statement today on that or any other matter.