Commons Sitting of 18 May 1992 Series 6 Vol. 208

  1. Preamble 7 words
  2. c1
  3. PRAYERS 5 words
    1. c1
    2. SELECTION 50 words
  4. Oral Answers to Questions
      1. cc1-2
      2. Estuarial Crossings 233 words
      3. cc2-3
      4. Cycling 300 words
      5. cc3-4
      6. London Underground (Crime) 679 words
      7. cc4-5
      8. Traffic Congestion 558 words
      9. cc5-6
      10. Motorway Accidents 322 words
      11. cc6-7
      12. Networker Trains 591 words
      13. cc7-8
      14. Bus Deregulation 449 words
      15. c8
      16. Leicester Eastern Bypass 204 words
      17. cc8-10
      18. British Rail (Funding) 951 words
      19. cc10-1
      20. Ireland (Transport Links) 412 words
      21. cc11-2
      22. Network SouthEast 537 words
      23. c12
      24. Jubilee Line 231 words
      1. cc13-4
      2. Civil Research and Development 927 words
      3. cc14-5
      4. Science Budget 401 words
      5. cc15-6
      6. York Citizens Charter 361 words
      7. cc16-7
      8. Citizens Charter 678 words
      9. cc17-8
      10. Duchy Administration 189 words
      11. c18
      12. Government Secrecy 352 words
      13. cc18-9
      14. Citizens Charters 237 words
    3. Statutory Instruments, &c 31 words
      1. c20
      2. ANATOMY (NORTHERN IRELAND) 18 words
      3. c20
      4. BUILDING SOCIETIES 23 words
  5. Points of Order 263 words
  6. Orders of the Day
    1. cc22-115
    2. British Coal and British Rail (Transfer Proposals) Bill 53,332 words, 1 division
    3. cc116-7
    4. British Coal and British Rail (Transfer Proposals) Bill [Money] 710 words
      1. c117
      2. CARDIFF BAY BARRAGE BILL 49 words
      1. c118
      2. Turkish Refugees 287 words
      3. cc119-28
      4. Jubilee Line Extension 4,875 words