HC Deb 11 May 1992 vol 207 cc355-72
  1. WALES
    1. cc355-6
    2. InterCity 746 words
    3. cc356-9
    4. Local Government 1,619 words
    5. cc359-60
    6. Neighbourhood Hospitals 536 words
    7. cc360-2
    8. High-tech Jobs 538 words
    9. c362
    10. Dredging 351 words
    11. cc362-3
    12. Labour Statistics 240 words
    13. c363
    14. Bus Deregulation 316 words
    15. cc363-5
    16. Labour Statistics 706 words
    1. c365
    2. Serious Fraud Office 316 words
    3. cc365-6
    4. Pension Funds 463 words
    5. cc366-7
    6. Prosecution Appeals 333 words
    7. cc367-8
    8. Sunday Trading 328 words
    1. cc368-70
    2. Commonwealth of Independent States 873 words
    3. cc370-2
    4. Mozambique 572 words
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