HC Deb 02 March 1992 vol 205 cc14-5
32. Mr. Fraser

To ask the Attorney-General when he last met the chairman of the Law Commission to discuss the Commission's programme for law reform.

The Solicitor-General (Sir Nicholas Lyell)

The Lord Chancellor has regular contact with the commission about all aspects of its work.

Mr. Fraser

How does the Lord Chancellor explain to the chairman of the Law Commission the Government's appalling record on matters of law reform? Since 1984, 22 Bills have not been acted on. What does that do for the morale of the Law Commission? Why do the Government not act on the huge injustices currently affecting business people, such as original lessee liability? Why have they such an appalling record when ready-made Bills are presented to them by the Law Commission?

The Solicitor-General

There are two answers to that question. First, the hon. Gentleman should not underestimate the immense force of major legislation presented by the Lord Chancellor in the past three or four years—not least the Children Act 1989, which has entirely restructured the law on children and paved the way for the family court, and the Courts and Legal Services Act 1990, one of the most important pieces of legislation in this field to appear for decades.

The House of Commons will need—and the other place will wish—to examine the recommendations of Lord Jellicoe for new procedures to bring such comparatively uncontroversial measures before both Houses more swiftly.