HC Deb 05 February 1992 vol 203 c380

Amendment made: No. 16, in page 4, line 9, leave out from 'difficulty' to end of line 10.—[Mr. Michael Forsyth.]

Mr. Michael Forsyth

I beg to move amendment No. 17, in page 4, line 11, at end insert— '() is designed to assist persons whose first language is not English to achieve any level of competence in English language;'.

The amendment meets an undertaking given to the Committee. It will place within the Secretary of State's duty for further education a provision that is designed to assist those whose first language is not English and who need to improve their competency in English. This will be of particular benefit in meeting the needs of ethnic minorities and will enable them to play a full part in the economic and social life of our community.

Amendment agreed to.

Mr. Speaker

We now come to amendment No. 65, with which it will be convenient to take Government amendments Nos. 18, and 23 to 25.

Mr. Worthington

Amendment No. 65 is subsumed in later Government proposals. I therefore do not wish to move the amendment.

Amendment, by leave, withdrawn.

Amendment made: No. 18, in page 4, line 16, at end insert— '() An order shall not be made under subsection (2) above unless the Secretary of State has consulted—

  1. (a) such persons or organisations appearing to him to be representative of boards of management and education authorities; and
  2. (b) such other persons,
as appear to him to be appropriate as to the amendments proposed to be made by the order.'—[Mr. Michael Forsyth.]

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