HC Deb 05 February 1992 vol 203 cc383-4

Amendment made: No. 2, in page 25, line 7, after 'shall' insert 'after consultation with such organisations as appear to the Council to be representative of institutions within the higher education sector'.—[Mr. Michael Forsyth.]

Amendment proposed: No. 79, in page 25, line 16, at end insert 'and in performing their functions under this subsection the Council shall have regard to such provision as is made as regards the assessment of the quality of education provided in institutions within the higher education sector in England and Wales in pursuance of section 68(1(a) of the Further and Higher Education Act 1992 (assessment of the quality of education provided by institutions in England and Wales).'.—[Mr. Michael Forsyth.]

Mr. Speaker

With this, we will take Government amendments 3 to 5.

Mr. Worthington

We particularly welcome Government amendment No. 3. We stress the importance of the quality assessment committee having an element of independence, and the proposal that at least half the members of the quality assessment committee should not be on the funding council meets our requirements. Therefore, we thank the Government for their amendment.

Amendment agreed to.

Mr. Dalyell

I beg to move amendment No. 87, in line 16 at end insert— '(c) establish a further committee, to be known as the "Medical Standards Committtee", with the function of giving them advice on the quality of medical education and research.'.

Mr. Speaker

With this it will be convenient to take amendment No. 88, in line 16 at end insert— '(3) The Medical Standards Committee shall liaise as appropriate with equivalent bodies in England and Wales, with a view to ensuring the uniformity of medical standards throughout the United Kingdom.'.

Mr. Dalyell

The case is most succinctly put by the dean of the faculty of medicine in the university of Edinburgh.

It being Ten o'clock, further consideration of the Bill stood adjourned.