HC Deb 22 May 1991 vol 191 c994

Amendments made: No. 32, in page 10, line 29, at end insert— '() Those responsible for the design and construction of facilities for the collection of tolls, and those responsible for the collection of tolls at such facilities, shall have due regard to the need to avoid delaying the passage of such vehicles as are mentioned in section 13(2)(a), (b) or (c) (police vehicles, ambulances and fire engines).'. No. 33, in page 10, line 36, leave out 'valuation' and insert 'rating'.—[Mr. Freeman.]

7.30 pm
Mr. Freeman

I beg to move amendment No. 34, in line 39, leave out 'may be necessary or convenient' and insert 'are reasonably required'.

Mr. Deputy Speaker

With this, it will be convenient to take Government amendments Nos. 73 and 80.

Mr. Freeman

This is slightly more than a technical amendment. It tightens the definition of which part of the toll booths and the equipment necessary for tolling roads should be free from rates. It tightens the present provision which describes the part of the equipment that should enjoy that facility which was described as "necessary or convenient"—I think that that was the will of the Committee—and makes it that which is "reasonably required". I commend the amendment to the House.

Amendment agreed to.

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