HC Deb 19 March 1991 vol 188 c152
8. Mr. Campbell-Savours

To ask the Secretary of State for Defence what aspects of the personal life of service men are taken into account in matters of recruitment and dismissal from employment in Her Majesty's forces.

Mr. Archie Hamilton

The armed forces seek recruits whose personal qualities are such that they will ensure that the high standards of our professional, volunteer services are maintained. Applicants must demonstrate that they are able to integrate within the services and cope with the rigours of service life. Service personnel who commit offences against the services discipline Acts, or who are judged unsuitable for service life, may be dismissed or discharged.

Mr. Campbell-Savours

Do the Minister and his colleagues remember the case of Miss X in my constituency who was dismissed for her alleged sexual preferences? In so far as Miss X has repeatedly denied those allegations—as, indeed, has her boy friend—can a full inquiry be held into what actually happened, as it seems clear to me that a grave injustice has been done?

Mr. Hamilton

I think that the best thing that the hon. Gentleman can do is to write to me about the case, as I have no intimate knowledge of it. If he does so, we shall certainly look into it.

Mr. Mans

In relation to recruitment and retention in the services, will my hon. Friend comment on the sending of soldiers under the age of 18 into combat zones?

Mr. Hamilton

It has always been the practice of the armed forces to send people who are fully trained into combat. It is quite possible for people under the age of 18 to be fully trained. We should not sent them into combat unless they were.

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