HC Deb 03 July 1991 vol 194 cc316-8
22. Mr. Flynn

To ask the Secretary of State for Trade and Industry what discussion he has had with the National Consumer Council about product safety.

Mr. Leigh

I have met the National Consumer Council and its representatives on several occasions to discuss a wide range of consumer affairs, but product safety has not been raised.

Mr. Flynn

Is not it curious that some products that are meant to improve health destroy the health of thousands of people? Will the Minister convey to the industry our concern at the deaths that occur every year—not only suicides but many accidental deaths among people who take drugs—especially paracetamol—that are inadequately labelled? The labels are often misleading and in microscopic print. Is that a matter which the Minister could take up, in the interests of saving many lives?

Mr. Leigh

I know of the hon. Gentleman's concern. He did not say, however, that it is an offence to supply unsafe goods and that, after 1992, all members states will be required to apply high standards of safety. I am prepared to discuss the matter with consumer groups and I should add that we fund consumer groups to the tune of about £19 million a year and take their representations very seriously.

Mr. Nicholas Winterton

On a point of order, Mr. Speaker.

Mr. Speaker

No. I will take it later, after the statements.

Mr. Winterton

I cannot do it after the statements.

Mr. Speaker

That is bad luck, I am afraid.

Mr. Winterton


Mr. Speaker

Order. Will the hon. Gentleman sit down? He is a senior member of the Chairmen's Panel and he knows as well as any hon. Member that points of order are taken after statements. I ask him not to persist.

Mr. Winterton

Further to the point of order, Mr. Speaker.

Mr. Speaker

There can be nothing further to it.

Mr. Winterton


Mr. Speaker

I ask the hon. Gentleman please to resume his seat.