HC Deb 15 February 1991 vol 185 c1176
Mr. Jeremy Corbyn (Islington, North)

Thank you for allowing me to raise this point of order, Mr. Deputy Speaker. You resumed the Chair late this afternoon and it may not be within your recollection that I rose at 2.29 pm to move the Second Reading of the Elimination of Poverty in Retirement Bill. Although only a short time was available to me, I moved the Second Reading before 2·30 pm. As soon as the clock reached 2.30 pm, Mr. Speaker called time on that Bill. Therefore, I submit that the Second Reading of my Bill has commenced. What happens on 1 March should not be the opening of the Second Reading debate but its continuation because I have already moved, That the Bill be now read a Second time". Many people who have a great deal of sympathy with and support for my Bill want to know whether the House is interested in the elimination of poverty among retired people.

Mr. Deputy Speaker

The position should be quite clear to the hon. Gentleman, but I shall repeat it because it is important that it is clear. The Question was not proposed at 2.30 pm, and the Chair therefore followed the customary procedure, the hon. Gentleman having talked out his Bill, of saying, "Second Reading what day?" The hon. Gentleman has named a day for the debate to proceed. He will take his luck, along with the other Bills on the Order Paper that day.

Mr. Corbyn

Further to that point of order, Mr. Deputy Speaker.

Mr. Deputy Speaker

Order. There is very little that I can add. I have already dealt with the point three times.

Mr. Corbyn

I wish it to be clearly on the record that the business had not been completed before 2.30. I moved the Bill and, as far as I am aware, on 1 March we shall have the continuation of the motion that I have already moved— That the Bill be now read a Second time".

Mr. Deputy Speaker

I have already dealt with that point. There is nothing further I can add.