HC Deb 27 March 1990 vol 170 c239

Mr. Joe Ashton, supported by Mr. John Home Robertson, Sir George Young, Mr. Roger Sims, Mr. Alan Amos, Mr. John Bowis, Mr. Ronnie Fearn, Mrs. Maureen Hicks, Ms. Harriet Harman, Mr. Archy Kirkwood and Mr. Allen McKay, presented a Bill to increase the penalties for the sale of tobacco to persons under the age of 16 years; to make illegal the sale of tobacco to such persons from vending machines; to require local authorities to enforce those provisions and publish reports; to prohibit the sale of unpackaged cigarettes; to prohibit advertising of tobacco or tobacco sponsored events from retail premises; to require the publication of warning statements on cigarette packages and in retail premises; and for connected purposes: And the same was read the First time; and ordered to be read a Second time on Friday 4 May and to be printed. [Bill 111.]