HC Deb 21 March 1990 vol 169 cc1123-4

Mr. Martin Redmond accordingly presented a Bill to provide that a referendum shall be held in a health authority area on any proposal that a hospital in that area should opt out of the National Health Service: And the same was read the First time; and ordered to be read a Second time upon Friday 20 April and to be printed. [Bill 107.]

Mr. Barry Porter (Wirral, South)

On a point of order, Mr. Speaker. I wish to raise an issue arising directly out of Question Time when the hon. Member for Newham.. North West (Mr. Banks) was bobbing up and down like a cork on a rough sea. I wish to make a serious point about the rights and opportunities of Back Benchers. The hon Gentleman is knowledgeable about the matters which were being raised during environment questions and it was unfortunate that he was forced to issue an epithet which offended the susceptibilities and sensibilities of some of my hon. Friends and which was not repeatable in polite society.

Mr. Speaker

Order. I hope that the hon. Gentleman is not being too sensitive. I did not hear that epithet. I am sure that the hon. Member for Newham, North-West (Mr. Banks) is most concerned about the hon. Gentleman's protection of him.

Mr. Porter

I am not complaining about the use of the epithet. Back Benchers who take the trouble to come to this place and attempt to ask questions, and certainly an hon. Gentleman who, although he offers views which are often unwelcome and wrong, does so in a light-hearted and cheerful manner, should be called more often.

Mr. Speaker

I do not know what hon. Members say behind their hands when they are unable to be called at Question Time, but the House knows that I am constantly being urged to speed up Question Time. I did allow a rather longer time today on the community charge, or poll tax as I believe it is now called—[Interruption.] Order I hear it described in that way on both the BBC and in the Chamber. But, with the best will in the world, I cannot call every hon. Member who wishes to get in, including the hon. Gentleman.