HC Deb 25 July 1990 vol 177 c499 5.46 pm
Mrs. Alice Mahon (Halifax)

I beg to ask leave to move the Adjournment of the House, Under Standing Order, No 20, for the purpose of discussing a specific and important matter that should have urgent consideration, namely,

the decision taken today by PowerGen to close two of its power stations.'

One of those power stations, Elland, is in Calderdale, which is near Halifax. This makes the proposed closure a problem for my constituents, many of whom work at the plant. The closures are likely to trigger a round of cost cutting as PowerGen and its rival National Power seek to maximise profits. This is the first sign of what will happen to the industry if Hanson takes over.

PowerGen has given the age of the power stations and the excuse of non-commercial viability as reasons for closure. It does not appear to have considered other factors, such as the importance of the position of Elland, which is within 20 miles of the Yorkshire coalfield, and the effect on the local community of job losses.

The unions do not accept the reasons given for the closures, and neither do I. In the past few months, Calderdale has lost more than 1,000 jobs in manufacturing, and a further 130 jobs will go if Elland closes. Under the Central Electricity Generating Board, all power stations had excellent and expensive regular overhauls. There was a good level of investment and superb background of training. The CEGB was scrupulous in providing safe and efficient power.

The Labour party is committed to clean, safe power and is looking at the clean coal burn technology, which could be fitted to power stations such as Elland. Experts inform me that, if proper maintenance is carried out, there is little difference between old and new plants. While power stations under the CEGB were valid, efficient, safe public assets, we are witnessing now the wicked, unacceptable face of privatisation, the worshipping of profit and the scattering of our precious assets to land speculators. The callous disregard for communities and skilled jobs, and the destructive wrecking of a superb public industry are issues that the House should debate.

Mr. Speaker

The hon. Member for Halifax (Mrs. Mahon) asks leave to move the Adjournment of the House, under Standing Order No. 20, for the purpose of discussing a specific and important matter that she thinks should have urgent consideration, namely, the decision taken today by PowerGen to close two of its power stations.

I have listened with care to what the hon. Lady said about this matter, which affects her constituency. As she knows, the decision that I have to take is whether to give it precedence over the business set down for consideration today. I have to say that the matter that she has raised does not meet the criteria of the standing order. Therefore, I cannot submit her application to the House.