HC Deb 19 July 1990 vol 176 c1171 3.30 pm
Mr. Speaker

I have to tell the House that today, together with other right hon. Members, I attended upon Her Majesty, Queen Elizabeth the Queen Mother, to deliver the House's message of congratulation on her 90th birthday—[HON. MEMBERS: "Hear, hear".] Her Majesty made the following reply: Members of the House of Commons: I thank you from my heart for your kind message which I am delighted to receive. I am, indeed, most touched that you should have come here to Clarence House in the midst of your many commitments to wish me well on my birthday. To me it seems just the other day that in this same room I accepted your greetings on a previous anniversary, and I am delighted that, ten years on, there should be here, today, four members of that delegation. One of the consolations of growing older is to find pleasure and interest in the younger generation, whose qualities became very evident to me during the 25 years that I was Chancellor of the University of London. My belief in the fundamental good sense, wisdom and integrity of those in whose hands lie the destinies of our country is as firm now as it was in the long years of the Second World War. Throughout my life I have seen changes and developments, new patterns of behaviour and fresh outlooks—much has been transformed but the loyalty and devotion of our people to the Crown remains constant. It is my prayer that with God's help our country will go forward from strength to strength in the years ahead. And now, once again, may I tell you how touched I am by your message of good wishes at this time.

Hon. Members

Hear, hear.