HC Deb 11 December 1990 vol 182 cc816-7
Q8. Mr. Hunter

To ask the Prime Minister if he will make a further statement on the United Kingdom's contribution to international co-operation on environ-mental issues.

The Prime Minister

The United Kingdom plays an active part in the work of many international bodies dealing with environmental issues. We are fully involved in the preparations for the 1992 United Nations conference on the environment and development in Brazil, which includes negotiations on a framework convention on climate change and on biological diversity.

Mr. Hunter

Although I welcome such international co-operation and the Government's part in it, will my right hon. Friend be on his guard against wasteful duplication and abuse of taxpayers' money? In that context, will he look at the work of the European Environmental Statistics Office, the European Environmental Agency, the European Environmental Monitoring and Information System and the European Environmental CORINE Programme? International co-operation is desirable, but the duplication of bureaucracy in the EEC is not.

The Prime Minister

Environmental care is a matter of great importance to the Government, but my hon. Friend is surely right to draw attention to the dangers of duplicated expenditure. I shall bear in mind what he says.

Mr. Wigley

lf, as is widely reported in the European newspapers, Chancellor Kohl and other leaders are likely to ask at the forthcoming conference in Rome for a level of elected regional government to be developed within Europe as a counterbalance to centralisation, will the Prime Minister give an undertaking not to rule out the idea out of hand?

The Prime Minister

That is a matter which may conceivably be raised at the weekend. Certainly, I have had no notice that it will be raised. The matter will need to be carefully examined.

Mr. Speaker

Mr. James Pawsey. Mr. Pawsey?

Several Hon. Members


Mr. Speaker

Mr. Harry Ewing.

Mr. Harry Ewing

I am grateful both to you, Mr. Speaker, and to the hon. Member for Rugby and Kenilworth (Mr. Pawsey).

May I take the Prime Minister back to his first answer to my hon. Friend the Member for Linlithgow (Mr. Dalyell) when the right hon. Gentleman talked about the military option in the Gulf? Do the Government have any contingency plans to reintroduce conscription and national service to sustain the military option in the Gulf?

Mr. Dickens

On a point of order, Mr. Speaker. Under the conventions of the House, should not any question that you call be related to question 8?

Mr. Speaker

The hon. Gentleman is always so helpful. However I called question 9. I think that technically the hon. Gentleman may be right but I turned a blind eye to that in view of the absence of the hon. Member for Rugby and Kenilworth (Mr. Pawsey).

The Prime Minister

I understand the important question that the hon. Gentleman asked about the Gulf which as he knows, is a matter that we debate frequently in the House.