§ Mr. Graham Allen (Nottingham, North)I have pleasure in presenting a petition from the people of Nottingham in respect of their environmental concerns, it reads:
the threat to the world climate and our global environment, including the ozone layer, requires urgent action, not more platitudes and declarations of intent; believes that the Prime Minister has talked green but continues to act dirty, failing to meet the commitments of the Commonwealth Conference and showing indifference to the needs of the Third world.Wherefore your Petitioners pray that your Honourable House holds an immediate inquiry into how rhetoric can be transformed into action to reduce emissions, clean up power stations, insulate domestic and commercial property, develop alternative and renewable energy resources, emphasise public transport over private, introduce lean burn engines, catalytic converters, and a wider differential between leaded and unleaded petrol, replant the world's forests, and establish a powerful energy efficiency agency in order to combat global warming, which threatens us all.That is the petition from the people of Nottingham, and I forgo the opportunity to make a short speech.
§ To lie upon the Table.