HC Deb 07 November 1989 vol 159 c941

"—(1) This section applies where a landlord's common parts application has been approved by a local housing authority.

(2) It is a condition of the grant that where the applicant makes a relevant disposal (other than an exempt disposal) of the building within the initial period, he shall pay to the local housing authority on demand the amount of the grant.

(3) A condition under subsection (2) above is a local land charge and shall, subject to subsection (5) and section 117 below, remain in force with respect to the building for a period of five years from the certified date.

(4) So long as a condition under subsection (2) above remains in force with respect to a building it is binding on any person who is for the time being an owner of the building.

(5) On satisfaction of the liability arising from a demand under this section, any condition under subsection (2) above shall cease to be in force with respect to the building in question.

(6) The expressions "relevant disposal" and "exempt disposal" have the meanings assigned by section 116 below."—[Mr. Howard.]

Read a Second time.

Amendment made to the Lords amendment: (a), in line 12, leave out 'an owner of the building' and insert 'a successor in title to that interest in the building by virtue of which, under section 105(2)(b) above, the applicant made his application'.—[Mr. Howard.]

Lords amendment, as amended, agreed to.

Consequential amendment made to the Bill: (b), in page 107, line 37, at end insert— '( ) In the case of a grant condition imposed on a landlord's common parts application any reference in subsection (2) above to the owner of the building is a reference to the applicant or any such successor in title as is referred to in section (Condition requiring repayment of grant on certain disposals in case of landlord's common parts application) (4) above.'.—[Mr. Howard.]

Lords amendments Nos. 217 to 255 agreed to. [Some with Special Entry.]

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