HC Deb 20 March 1989 vol 149 c730
55. Mr. Dalyell

To ask the Minister for the Civil Service if the Civil Service college has any plans to include rain forest issues in its general training programmes on environmental awareness.

Mr. Luce

As part of its general programme of raising awareness of issues of public interest, the college is holding a briefing session for senior civil servants on the greenhouse effect on 22 March, in collaboration with the Committee for the Public Understanding of Science.

Mr. Dalyell

Added to a session on the greenhouse effect, which one welcomes, could there be a similar seminar at the college on issues—climatological and otherwise—arising from the botanical and biological holocaust that is taking place in the rain forests of the world? Given world weather patterns, it could affect us in a most severe way.

Mr. Luce

I admire the hon. Gentleman for the persistence with which he pursues this important matter. I should point out that training at the Civil Service college is principally geared to training for better management. Clearly, if there are opportunities such as the one that I have demonstrated to bring in wider environmental issues, the college will take them.

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