HC Deb 28 February 1989 vol 148 cc153-8
Q1. Mr. Ashton

To ask the Prime Minister if she will list her official engagements for Tuesday 28 February.

The Prime Minister (Mrs. Margaret Thatcher)

This morning I had meetings with ministerial colleagues and others. In addition to my duties in the House, I shall be having further meetings later today. This evening I hope to have an audience of Her Majesty the Queen.

Mr. Ashton

Will the Prime Minister find time to tell her Ministers that unemployment is not falling in every region in this country? Is she aware that in my constituency, following the closure of Shireoaks colliery, male unemployment in the travel-to-work area will increase from 15 to 18.4 per cent.? Why do areas such as mine not receive assisted area status or even any rate support grant? Why do we have to go cap in hand to the Common Market begging for a handout when we get nothing from the Government? Is the Prime Minister not aware of what is happening in the coal mining areas of Nottinghamshire, Derbyshire and Yorkshire, which are facing rocketing unemployment because of her policies towards the coal mining industry?

The Prime Minister

As the most recent figures showed, unemployment is falling in every region of the country, with one exception—Northern Ireland. Of course, in regions where there has been a colliery closure there will be particular pockets of unemployment. We shall do all we can to retrain and I hope that very good redundancy payments will be given. The hon. Gentleman surely cannot wish to keep collieries open when there is no market for the coal or a market only at a price that will put up the cost of electricity to other industries enormously.

Mr. Aitken

Is my right hon. Friend aware of the warm welcome that has greeted the announcement that she is planning a new offensive to curb the excessive powers arid abuse of power by the European Commission? In a week which has already seen attempts by the Commission to harmonise children's imitation toy food out of existence and to try to change Britain's drink-driving limits by edict from Brussels, does my right hon. Friend feel that it is time to tackle the unconstitutional use of article 100A by having a legal argument about the basis on which it is being used at present by the Commission?

The Prime Minister

My hon. Friend refers to a particular provision which was put in to enable us to get directives for the completion of the single market. We watch very carefully to ensure that that section is not abused. As my hon. Friend is very much aware, we do not want detailed regulation in the directives. We want the minimum regulation in the directives to enable goods to move more freely about the whole Community. That is our philosophy, and that will continue to be the aim of the action that we take.

Mr. Kinnock

Will the Prime Minister tell us what words she would use to describe her Government's international trade record?

The Prime Minister

Our Government's international trade record will continue to be non-protectionist, which is what it should be.

Mr. Kinnock

Will the Prime Minister tell us when she next expects the monthly trade figures to show a surplus?

The Prime Minister

For many years they showed a surplus—[Interruption.]—which would have put the Labour Government to shame. We now have a higher standard of living than we have ever known. We have a great budget surplus. The steps that my right hon. Friend the Chancellor is taking will deal with both inflation and the adverse trade balance.

Mr. Sayeed

As agriculture has now declined to 1.5 per cent. of gross domestic product and employment within it has fallen to 586,000, whereas the contribution from small businesses has increased to 21 per cent. of gross domestic product and the number of people employed therein has increased to 6.5 million, why do we have a Department and a Secretary of State for the former rather than for the latter?

The Prime Minister

There are several answers to that question.[Interruption.] I will try to give them all.

Most farms are small businesses, so the figure that my hon. Friend uses includes small farms. Secondly, in addition to the 1.5 to 2 per cent. of people employed in agriculture something like another 8 per cent. are employed in industries ancillary to agriculture—the equipment industry and the food processing industry. So it is not fair to take the particular set of figures that my hon. Friend gives. Both are vitally important to the future of Britain's economy, agriculture and other small businesses as well.

Mr. Lord

Is the Prime Minister aware that many of the country's largest industries now take as a matter of routine 90 days to pay the accounts of smaller companies that supply them? Is she further aware that these smaller companies are absolutely vital to the nation's economy and jobs, and will she undertake to look into this matter with great urgency?

The Prime Minister

I agree with the reasoning behind my hon. Friend's question; it is quite wrong to take the maximum amount of time to pay bills, particularly those of small businesses which need the money as soon as possible for their cash flow. I hope that the companies concerned will take note of my hon. Friend's question and of my reply.

Q2. Mr. John Evans

To ask the Prime Minister if she will list her official engagements for Tuesday 28 February.

The Prime Minister

I refer the hon. Gentleman to the reply that I gave some moments ago.

Mr. Evans

Did the Prime Minister notice yesterday that, following the publication of the Southwood report on bovine spongiform encephalopathy—[Interruption.]

Mr. Tony Banks

It has already got half the Cabinet.

Mr. Speaker

Have another go.

Mr. Evans

The Secretary of State for Health announced a ban on the use of bovine offal in the production of baby food and the Minister of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food announced another inquiry into the effect of BSE on human health. If, as appears likely to the Secretary of State for Health, BSE is a threat to humanity, why not ban the use of this offal for all human consumption? If, according to the Minister of Agriculture, it is not a danger, why was it banned for consumption by babies?

The Prime Minister

We set up a committee of experts under Professor Southwood. We published the report in full. We referred it to the Chief Medical Officer of Health and we accepted the recommendations on both, precisely. There is no point whatsoever in setting up a committee of experts, in having a Chief Medical Officer of Health, in receiving their advice and then not accepting it. We would rather accept their advice than that of the hon. Gentleman.

Q3. Mr. Morgan

To ask the Prime Minister if she will list her official engagements for Tuesday 28 February.

The Prime Minister

I refer the hon. Gentleman to the reply that I gave some moments ago.

Mr. Morgan

We read in today's reports of the Prime Minister's meetings yesterday with President Mitterrand of the divergence of view between them on the urgency of the need for modernisation of NATO nuclear weapons. In view of the fact that short-range nuclear weapons have the unfortunate habit of dropping on Germany, would she not agree with President Mitterrand that this must remain a sovereign German decision?

The Prime Minister

No. [HON. MEMBERS: "Oh!"] Most certainly not, and I did not gather that that was precisely President Mitterrand's view. He made it perfectly clear that, so long as the Soviet Union is modernising short-range nuclear weapons, so should we, and he said that very clearly indeed. He also accepted, as he was at the last NATO meeting—I was there on both occasions and heard everything; and he knew that Chancellor Kohl and I were agreed—that political solidarity and military strength provide the basis for dialogue. We reaffirmed the declaration of the NATO summit of 3 March 1988 in Brussels, where we joined together in confirming that our strategy of deterrence depends on the appropriate mix of effective nuclear and conventional forces, kept up to date where necessary. We are all pledged to that view.

Mr. McCrindle

Will the Prime Minister find time to persuade those who doubt that water is a suitable industry for privatization—including, it would appear, some Conservative voters—that if we are to enjoy an improvement in water quality, costs will have to rise, whether water remains in the public sector or is privatised? Will she also persuade them if their opposition to privatisation relates to the outdated nature of sewerage in this country, that it will be infinitely easier to raise finance to improve that if the industry is privatised and can raise money on the open market?

The Prime Minister

I think that my hon. Friend has largely done my task for me. Of course, we all require higher standards in the quality of water and that will mean increases in costs and, therefore, in prices, and the same would be true whether water remained in the public sector or was privatised. There is far more likely to be increased capital spend on the improvement of water quality if the industry goes into the private sector. I notice that France, a country which has nationalised many things, has specifically kept water in the private sector because it provides a better service than would a nationalised water service.

Dr. Owen

Will the Prime Minister make it crystal clear that, under the law, the right of publishers to publish, booksellers to sell and readers to read is an absolute, and will not be changed under threat or deadline, whether of a week or a year?

The Prime Minister

Freedom of speech and expression is subject only to the laws of the land, in particular libel and blasphemy, and will remain subject to the rule of law. It is absolutely fundamental to everything in which we believe and cannot be interfered with by any outside force.

Mr. Robert G. Hughes

Does my right hon. Friend agree that the £1 million of extra funding that the Government give to London dial-a-rides will provide extra mobility for disabled people? Will she congratulate London dial-a-rides on their work, and say that we look forward to the extra work that they will be able to carry out with the extra money given by the Government?

The Prime Minister

I gladly respond to my hon. Friend's invitation. This Government have done more for disabled people and have increased expenditure on them by 90 per cent. in real terms. That is more than under any previous Government and we are very proud of it.

Q4. Mr. Tom Clarke

To ask the Prime Minister if she will list her official engagements for Tuesday 28 February.

The Prime Minister

I refer the hon. Gentleman to the reply that I gave some moments ago.

Mr. Tom Clarke

Does the Prime Minister recall that 10 years ago tomorrow, the Scots voted with a majority of 77,000 for a greater say in their own affairs? Does she accept that, since the feeling that there is a need for change is even stronger now, her stubborn refusal to accept the aspirations of the Scottish people is unacceptable? Does the treaty of Union matter?

The Prime Minister

My views have not changed. I thought that the views of the Labour party had not changed either, but perhaps I was wrong. I believe that first steps towards devolution would finish up in separatism and I do not believe that the majority of Scottish people want that. I am very glad indeed that the Scottish people have responded to Tory policies so well that they have achieved a unique level of prosperity.

Q5. Mr. Amos

To ask the Prime Minister if she will list her official engagements for Tuesday 28 February.

The Prime Minister

I refer my hon. Friend to the reply that I gave some moments ago.

Mr. Amos

Does my right hon. Friend agree that the £850 million boost that the north of England will receive from the introduction of the unified business rate represents one of the biggest ever investments in the north of England?

The Prime Minister

Yes, under the new business rate system, manufacturing business in the north will generally pay less in rates than it has been paying. I hope that that will be a great boost to industrialists to put more and more manufacturing services into these areas, where other costs will also be lower.

Q6. Mr. Buchan

To ask the Prime Minister if she will list her official engagements for Tuesday 28 February.

The Prime Minister

I refer the hon. Gentleman to the reply that I gave some moments ago.

Mr. Buchan

Was today's report that the DSS is about to issue plastic cards to the elderly some kind of ironic joke? Would it not be much better if the Government restored to married couples the £18 that they have stolen from them?

The Prime Minister

I think that the DSS is considering a system that will be more helpful to pensioners and less conducive to the stealing of pension books. That is the only purpose of what the hon. Gentleman has read in the papers this morning.

With regard to our pensions record, may I point out that the pension has kept pace with inflation over the whole period, even though we have had to pay it to 1 million more pensioners? As for Labour's record, they fiddled the RPI figure when it no longer suited them. and although the Opposition said that they would keep the pension up with average earnings, they then put in an incomes policy to keep down average earnings, and did not even live up to that promise.

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