HC Deb 21 April 1989 vol 151 c560 9.37 am
Mr. Greville Janner (Leicester, West)

I beg to present a petition from citizens of New Parks estate and from people in the city of Leicester, designed to change the present extraordinary anomaly whereby pensioners who live in warden-assisted accommodation obtain television licences at an annual fee of £5, while others who do not have the benefit of such assistance usually pay the full fee.

The humble Petition of citizens of the New Parks estate and of the city of Leicester showeth, that whereas for people who are elderly and disabled a television set is no luxury but often their main contact with outside life and shield against loneliness; whereas elderly and disabled people suffer greatly from inadequate pensions and other benefits; and whereas licence concessions are made for some pensioners and disabled people who live in council bungalows or sheltered accommodation; wherefor your Petitioners pray that your Honourable House will call upon Her Majesty's Government to remove the burden of television licence fees from old age pensioners and people who are registered as disabled; or in the alternative that Her Majesty's Government will extend privileges at present linmited to specific pensioners and disabled people who are in straitened circumstances; who are at present struggling to survive financially; for whom the dignity and quality of life is inadequate; and for whom the cost of television licences is unwarranted and a great burden. The petition is signed by more than 500 citizens, and by me.

To lie upon the Table.