HC Deb 18 April 1989 vol 151 cc199-200 4.16 pm
Mr. Alan Meale (Mansfield)

I beg to move, That leave be given to bring in a Bill to establish a statutory liaison body for the sport of football, to include in its membership the various footballing authorities and their agencies, football league clubs, the Sports Council, football supporters' organisations and other necessary bodies and to make provision for changes in the organisation and function of the sport and for connected purposes. The enormity of the tragedy which took place last Saturday at Sheffield's Hillsborough stadium—where many football fans either died or were seriously injured —still lies fresh in the hearts and minds of the British people. I take this opportunity to place on record again the thanks of all hon. Members particularly those who are members of the all-party parliamentary football committee, and to all those who helped the injured or the dying in their time of need or who are now helping in whatever way they can to comfort the living.

So that there may be no misunderstanding or speculation about the reason for this Bill, I place on record the fact that the right to introduce it on the Floor of the House was gained some considerable time ago under the rules which govern the acquisition of a ten-minute Bill opportunity in this House.

The Bill has the objective of establishing a statutory liaison body for the sport of football, with a membership which includes the football authorities, their agencies, league clubs, the Sports Council, football supporters' organisations, local authorities, and others. That body has been widely recognised in this House and elsewhere as an alternative to clause I of the Government's proposals to introduce legislation to establish a system of compulsory ID registration for football supporters.

A measure of the strength of the Bill's proposals is demonstrated by the fact that it has considerable cross-party support, including support from the Government Benches. The Bill is supported in name by all the officers of the all-party parliamentary football committee. The Bill is also supported by my hon. Friend the Member for Liverpool, Walton (Mr. Heifer), in whose constituency Anfield football ground is located, and by my hon. Friend the Member for Sheffield, Brightside (Mr. Blunkett) in whose constituency the tragedy occurred on Saturday. It also contains the name of my right hon. Friend the Member for Birmingham, Small Heath (Mr. Howell), who is regarded by many in this place and outside as the most respected Member of Parliament in terms of sporting authorities.

My colleagues and I are both mystified and saddened by the Government's decision yesterday to continue with the measures contained within section 1 of their Bill. We feel they are out of touch with the lessons of Sheffield, and the advice they have been given by nearly everyone in football. Further, I cannot personally understand the logic in proceeding with such legislation, particularly at this time. I also feel it is time for a rethink and a different approach to the needs of football—a view shared by almost everyone connected with the game.

I echo the view of my right hon. Friend the Member for Birmingham, Sparkbrook (Mr. Hattersley) that any decision should be delayed until the findings of the independent inquiry into the Hillsborough tragedy and other related matters are available.

Because of these views, Mr. Speaker, and out of respect for the bereaved families and loved ones of those involved in the recent tragedy, I have decided to withdraw my Bill at this stage in the hope that the Government will see sense.

Mr. Speaker

Order. I am afraid the hon. Member cannot do that. If he looks at "Erskine May" on page 383 —I believe he has been so advised—he will see that he must proceed with this motion, having moved it.

Mr. Meale

In that case, without further ado, I formally move.

Question put and agreed to.

Bill ordered to be brought in by Mr. Alan Meale, M r. Denis Howell, Mr. Joseph Ashton, Mr. Jim Lester, Mr. Tom Pendry, Mr. Eric S. Heller, Mr. David Blunkett, Mr. Robert N. Wareing, Mr. Harry Barnes, Mr. Brian Wilson, Mr. Peter L. Pike and Mr. Don Dixon.

  1. FOOTBALL SPECTATORS (NO. 2) 85 words