HC Deb 04 April 1989 vol 150 c13
13. Mr. Rooker

To ask the Secretary of State for Education and Science to what extent he takes into account parental wishes when considering a school closure.

Mr. Butcher

In considering statutory proposals for school reorganisations, my right hon. Friend takes full account of all representations made by parents, both for and against the proposals.

Mr. Rooker

If the majority of people who have children at Sylvan high school in Croydon are so determined that the school should not be closed, as they have constantly made clear to all four Members of Parliament for Croydon, including you, Mr. Speaker, will the Government accept the wishes of the parents?

Mr. Butcher

The section 12 proposal has now been issued, and we will look at it—as we look at all section 12 proposals—on its merits, separate from the consideration of the CTC.

Mr. Latham

When my hon. Friend comes to consider the section 12 notice to close Long Field high school in my constituency, which is full and, indeed, is extremely popular, will he confirm that he will consider at the same time the 96.4 per cent. parents' vote to go for grant-maintained status?

Mr. Butcher

Of course, we look at the merits of a particular school proposed for closure. Indeed, I take very seriously representations from parents who are concerned to maintain the quality of an existing, well-managed school with a good ethos. Matters of that sort will be taken into account.