HC Deb 19 October 1988 vol 138 c871
Mr. Speaker

I have to inform the House that I have received a letter from the resident magistrate of the Belfast petty sessions informing me that Mr. Peter Robinson, the hon. Member for Belfast, East, was sentenced to a period of imprisonment of seven days.

I shall cause the text of the letter to be published in the Votes and Proceedings and in the Official Report.

Following is the letter

Magistrates' Courts,

The Courthouse,

Chichester Street,

Belfast BT1 3JB.

24th August 1988.

Dear Mr. Speaker,

Peter David Robinson, Member of Parliament for Belfast East, was convicted by me at Belfast Petty Sessions on 9th February 1988 of taking part in a public procession, contrary to Article 3 of the Public Order (Northern Ireland) Order 1987 and fined £280.00.

Upon the hearing of an appeal the County Court for the division of Belfast reduced the fine to £50.00 payable in 28 days. As the fine has not been paid Mr. Robinson was today committed to prison for a period of 7 days.

Yours faithfully,

T. J. Travers.

Resident Magistrate.