HC Deb 03 May 1988 vol 132 cc716-7
10. Mr. Page

To ask the Secretary of State for Employment how many tourists visited British Nuclear Fuels plc at Sellafield in 1987.

Mr. Lee

The British Nuclear Fuels site at Sellafield attracted over 104,000 visitors in 1987.

Mr. Page

I thank my hon. Friend for that reply. Does he agree that such a large figure is a tribute to British Nuclear Fuels plc in promoting its tourism, and are there any plans to expand that for 1988? As a general knowledge of industry is obviously beneficial, has my hon. Friend any plans to bring the experience of British Nuclear Fuels plc to other industries and companies?

Mr. Lee

British Nuclear Fuels plc is opening a new £5 million visitors centre on 6 June, at which His Royal Highness The Duke of Edinburgh will officiate. On my hon. Friend's general point, he will, I hope, know that the encouragement of modern industrial tourism is a personal crusade of mine. We are to hold a major conference at Centre Point in September, to be hosted by the CBI, in which the English Tourist Board will participate, to try to encourage more firms to open themselves up to visitors.