HC Deb 29 March 1988 vol 130 c1032

Amendments made: No. 40, in page 17, line 24, at end insert— '(aa) that tacit relocation is not operating;'. No. 41, in page 17, line 28., leave out 'two months'.

No. 42, in page 17, line 29, at end insert— '( ) The period of notice to be given under subsection (1)(c) above shall be—

  1. (i) if the terms of the tenancy provide, in relation to such notice, for a period of more than two months, that period;
  2. (ii) in any other case, two months'.

No. 43, in page 17, line 31, leave out from 'relates' to end of line 36. — [Lord James Douglas-Hamilton.]

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