HC Deb 03 March 1988 vol 128 c1140
1. Mr. Alan W. Williams

To ask the Minister of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food what representations he has received from the secretary general of the General Synod of the Church of England on his policy on the use of agricultural land.

The Minister of State, Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food (Mr. John Selwyn Gummer)

None, Sir, and nor has my right hon. Friend the Secretary of State for Wales received any such representations from the Church in Wales.

Mr. Williams

Has not the debate in the Synod on the use of agricultural land been crowded out by the Minister's obsessive attacks on the bishops and archbishops? Is it not about time that he decided whether he wants to be a churchman or a politician?

Mr. Gummer

It is a new doctrine of constitution that one cannot be both a churchman and a politician. As an elected member of the Synod of the Church of England, I say no to the hon. Gentleman, and as a Minister I say that that is not an agriculture question.

Mr. Key

Will my right hon. Friend make representations to the General Synod to continue the policy of privatising glebe land, which has been entirely successful in the dioceses that have adopted it? Will he also mention to the General Synod that it would greatly help the social fabric of this country if the dioceses in possession of agricultural land that is surplus to requirements could make it available below the market price for housing projects?

Mr. Gummer

I shall certainly take that opportunity. The Church of England has a good reputation in its handling of both tenants and glebe land.

Mr. Campbell-Savours

Is it not the case that the Synod has not made representations because its members have completely lost confidence in the Minister because of his savage attacks on the clergy and his bishop-bashing? Does the Minister understand that tens of thousands of churchgoing people all over the country are tired of the way that he persists in meddling in the affairs of the Church and tries to impose his will—

Mr. Speaker

Order. This question is about agriculture.

Mr. Campbell-Savours

—and the will of the Government on an independent Church? Keep out.

Mr. Gummer

As an elected member of the Church of England I have more right to comment on those views than has the hon. Member for Workington (Mr. Campbell-Savours). The hon. Gentleman demands the right to be robust in his views. Why does he stop other people from being roboust in theirs?

Several Hon. Members


Mr. Speaker

Order. I remind the House that although there are a number of questions on this general topic, questions must be linked with agriculture.

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