HC Deb 27 June 1988 vol 136 cc44-5

Amendments made: No. 334, in page 54, line 18, leave out 'which will' and insert— 'of one or more houses let on secure tenancies which would'.

No. 335, in page 54, line 20, at end insert— '(1A) Before applying to the Secretary of State for consent to the proposed disposal or serving notice under subsection (2) below, the housing action trust shall serve notice in writing—

  1. (a) on any local housing authority in whose area any houses falling within subsection (1) above are situated, and
  2. (b) if any such houses were transferred to the trust from another local housing authority or other local authority under section 69 above, on that authority,
informing the authority of the proposed disposal, specifying the houses concerned, and requiring the authority within such period, not being less than 28 days, as may be specified in the notice, to serve on the trust a notice under subsection (1B) below. (1B) A notice by a local housing authority or other local authority under this subsection shall inform the housing action trust, with respect to each of the houses specified in the notice under subsection (1A) above which is in the authority's area or, as the case may be, which was transferred from the authority as mentioned in paragraph (b) or that subsection,—
  1. (a) that the authority wishes to acquire the house or is considering its acquisition; or
  2. (b) that the authority does not wish to acquire the house;
and where the authority serves notice as mentioned in paragraph (a) above with respect to any house, the notice shall give information as to the likely consequences for the tenant if the house were to be acquired by the authority.'

No. 336, in page 54, line 22, after 'disposal', 'and after the expiry of the period specified in the notice under subsection (IA) above'.

No. 337, in page 54, line 31, leave out 'and'.

No. 338, in page 54, line 31, at end insert— '(ca) informing him, with respect to the house of which he is tenant, of the wishes of the local housing authority and of any other authority which has served a notice under subsection (1B) above; (cb) if an authority has served notice under paragraph (a) of subsection (1B) above with respect to that house, informing him (in accordance with the information given in the notice) of the likely consequences for him if the house were to he acquired by that authority and also, if he wishes to become a tenant of that authority, of his right to make representations to that effect under paragraph (d) below.'.

No. 339, in page 54, line 33, leave out 'reasonable period' and insert 'period, being not less than 28 days'.

No 340, in page 54, line 35, leave out from beginning to `representations' in line 42 and insert— `(3) The housing action trust shall consider any representations made to it in accordance with subsection (2)(d) above and, if it considers it appropriate having regard to—

  1. (a) any representations so made, and
  2. (b) any further information which may be provided by an authority which served a notice under subsection (1B)(a) above that it was considering the acquisition of a house,
the trust may amend its proposals with respect to the disposal and, in such a case, shall serve a further notice under subsection (2) above (in relation to which this subsection will again apply). (4) When applying to the Secretary of State for consent to the proposed disposal (as amended, where appropriate by virtue of subsection (3) above) the housing action trust shall furnish to him—
  1. (a) a copy of any notice served on it under subsection (1B) above or served by it under subsection (2) above;
  2. (aa) a copy of any'.

No. 341, in page 54, line 44, at end insert— '( ) Without prejudice to the generality of section 67 above, where an application is made to the Secretary of State for consent to a disposal to which this section applies, the Secretary of State may, by a direction under that section, require the housing action trust—

  1. (a) to carry out such further consultation with respect to the proposed disposal as may be specified in the direction; and
  2. (b) to furnish to him such information as may be so specified with respect to the results of that consultation.'.—[Mr. Ridley.]

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