HC Deb 20 July 1988 vol 137 c1084
3. Mr. Tom Clarke

To ask the Secretary of State for the Environment if the Government are to consider the banning of two-star leaded petrol as part of their campaign to promote the use of lead-free petrol.

Mr. Moynihan

We continue to consider the banning of two-star leaded petrol, but our current policy is to use the market to secure the change to unleaded petrol. In his Budget my right hon. Friend the Chancellor of the Exchequer adjusted the duty differential so that unleaded petrol is on sale at a price comfortably lower than both four-star and two-star leaded fuels. We are, however, carefully monitoring the uptake of the new fuel.

Mr. Clarke

Is the Minister aware of the success of the decision in West Germany, which has resulted in 25 per cent. fewer emissions and 2,000 fewer tonnes of pollution in the atmosphere? If the Government are serious about removing such pollution, instead of simply pleasing the big petrol companies, will they take a more realistic approach to excise duty than that displayed in the Budget? Will the hon. Gentleman make strong representations to the Chancellor of the Exchequer?

Mr. Moynihan

The hon. Gentleman will know that the West Germans started from a 30 per cent. consumption level of two-star as opposed to 8 per cent. here. While the banning of two-star has been successful in West Germany, many of those who were previously using two-star leaded were queueing at the pumps for four-star leaded, so there is no direct correlation between banning two-star and moving across to unleaded patrol.

Mr. Squire

In conjunction with Ministers at the Department of Trade and Industry, will my hon. Friend persuade car manufacturers to ensure that, at the point of sale, all vehicles for use in this country can take lead-free petrol rather than requiring adjustments as they do now, so that those who wish to drive on dirty fuel will pay for the privilege?

Mr. Moynihan

My hon. Friend will be pleased to know that all new models from 1990 onwards will be able to run on unleaded petrol.

I agree with my hon. Friend's second point about better information at the point of sale. We shall continue to do our best, with the campaign for lead-free air, to ensure that that objective is achieved.