HC Deb 18 July 1988 vol 137 c780
17. Mr. Win Griffiths

To ask the Secretary of State for Wales if he will make a statement on his proposals for tenants' choice in Wales, in the light of the publication by the Secretary of State for the Environment of a document setting out the position in England.

Mr. Grist

Exactly the same principles will govern the implementation of tenants' choice in Wales as will govern it in England. Once Housing for Wales has been established, it will take over the functions of the Housing Corporation in this regard, as in others, but will continue to apply the same principles. I am today issuing similar guidance to that which has been issued in England. Copies of the guidance are available in the Vote Office.

Mr. Griffiths

What consultations did the Minister undertake with local authorities in Wales before publishing the guidelines? Will he explain how he foresees this initiative increasing the amount of housing available for people in Wales?

Mr. Grist

The initiative increases tenants' choice. Labour Members have always opposed people's right to buy their houses or to have the landlords of their choice. The Labour party is not the party of freedom and choice for the individual.