HC Deb 08 February 1988 vol 127 cc8-9
7. Mr. Anderson

To ask the Secretary of State for Wales what progress he has made in his consideration of policy towards houses in multiple occupation.

Mr. Grist

My consultation with local authorities, fire authorities and other interested bodies is now complete and I have set up a working party with their representatives.

The consultation showed that local authorities felt inhibited by the mandatory grants for houses in multiple occupations. As a result, the Government intend to make grants to houses of multiple occupation landlords discretionary.

Mr. Anderson

Do the Government not recognise the facts of the situation — the squalid and dangerous properties and the fire tragedies that have occurred and that the guidance that was promised as long ago as 1980 is still only in draft form? I welcome what the Minister said, so far as it goes, but, because of the facts, should there not now be mandatory powers for local authorities if the Government are serious about the position and about seeking to provide proper protection, at last, for tenants?

Mr. Grist

The hon. Gentleman will know of my personal constituency interest in this problem. I think he will understand that in the consultation process local authorities showed that they wished to have flexibility in their responses.

The hon. Gentleman mentioned fire problems, and he will be interested to know, as will other hon. Members, that in consultation with my right hon. Friends the Secretaries of State for Wales and for the Environment, my right hon. Friend the Home Secretary is considering further guidance to establish a national advisory standard for fire safety measures in houses in multiple occupation.

Sir Anthony Meyer

Does my hon. Friend accept that there will be a great deal of satisfaction with his original reply and his supplementary answer? However, can he allay my fears that the one contribution that the community charge will make to this problem wil be to encourage owners of houses in multiple occupation to push a number of their tenants out on to the pavement?

Mr. Grist

I am a little bewildered by that question, because they will pay the collective charge anyway.

Mr. John

Will the Minister publish the criteria upon which the discretion for grants for houses in multiple occupation will be paid?

Mr. Grist

Details will be made available in the Housing Bill that we shall promote in the next Session.

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