HC Deb 26 April 1988 vol 132 cc195-6
11. Sir Hector Monro

To ask the Secretary of State for Defence what financial resources are devoted by his Department towards the running of cadet organisations.

Mr. Freeman

The Ministry of Defence devotes approximately £33 million towards the cost of running the four cadet organisations; the Army Cadet Force, the Combined Cadet Force, the Air Training Corps and the Sea Cadet Corps—which total approximately 140,000 cadets. That sum covers the cost of accommodation, staffing, travel, administration and training.

Sir Hector Monro

Does my hon. Friend agree that the cadet forces he mentioned are most important to this country, not only as youth organisations, but as the future basis for recruitment into the services? Can he assure me that the Air Training Corps will have sufficient resources in the coming year to give as much gliding practice as possible?

Mr. Freeman

I agree with my hon. Friend about the value of the training corps for recruitment, to say nothing of the social benefits to the country of the cadet organisations. One third of all officers in the regular forces have served with the cadet organisations. As for the Air Training Corps, I can give my hon. Friend the assurance he seeks on both gliding and travel arrangements.

Mr. Tony Banks

Is it true that the Minister's Department is currently examining a form of national service?

Mr. Freeman


Mr. Harry Greenway

Does my hon. Friend agree that the cadet forces give young people unrivalled oppor-tunities for comradeship, discipline, adventure and training in leadership? Can he say how many girls or young ladies, as well as boys and young men, benefit from those opportunities?

Mr. Freeman

I agree with my hon. Friend about the sense of adventure and self-reliance, and the training for playing a useful part in society, that are provided in the cadet forces. About one third of the members of the Air Training Corps are girls.