HC Deb 11 May 1987 vol 116 c150

12.8 am

Mr. Martin Brandon-Bravo (Nottingham, South)

At a late hour on this day and in the lifetime of this Parliament, I beg leave to present to the House a petition initiated in my constituency and signed by 5,000 people broadly throughout the country.

The petitioners do not ask for draconian or killjoy legislation but for a simple, common-sense approach to one aspect of our laws on drinking and driving which makes a travesty of natural justice. They petition Wherefore your Petitioners humbly pray that your Honourable House do make an amendment to the present law pertaining to the Drink/Driving Offences; Whereby enabling hospital blood samples to be permissible evidence in a Court of Law if so requested by the Police. What they ask is reasonable, and I hope that during the life of the next Parliament it will be seriously considered, and, I sincerely hope, granted.

To lie upon the Table.

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