HC Deb 23 July 1987 vol 120 cc478-9
11. Rev. Martin Smyth

asked the Secretary of State for Northern Ireland, pursuant to his answer of 2 July, Official Report, column 141, what is his estimate of the cost of listing the different representations received from bodies and individuals, including the Government of the Republic of Ireland, concerning current arrangements for trying scheduled offences in the courts in Northern Ireland.

Mr. Tom King

Assuming that only representations made since 1979 were covered, the estimated cost of identifying and listing them all is estimated to be in excess of £300.

Rev. Martin Smyth

Does the Secretary of State recognise that that is a small sum to pay to allow the House to know what input has been made into a reform of the justice system of our nation? Or, are we being led astray by the statements of his previous co-chairman of the Anglo-Irish Intergovernmental Conference, who said that with the removal of Lord Hailsham we are getting ready to introduce three-judge courts in Northern Ireland?

Mr. King

If the hon. Gentleman had tabled a direct question I would have been happy to answer it, but on this matter, as I have made clear before, we have listened to the arguments and at present are not persuaded of the merits of the case. That is the position and nobody should read more into it than what I have said. We are not persuaded of the arguments and our position remains as it was when I made my statement on the matter.