HC Deb 16 January 1987 vol 108 c503 9.35 am
Mr. Michael Shersby (Uxbridge)

With your permission, Mr. Speaker, and that of the House, I beg leave to present a petition from the Rev. Arthur Venables and over 50 members of St. Lawrence Church, Cowley, Uxbridge concerning the condition in which the Soviet citizen Alexander Ogorodnikov is living. The prayer reads: That the Soviet Christian Alexander Ogorodnikov is in abject conditions in a Soviet labour camp on a charge arising from his leadership of a Christian discussion group. Wherefore your petitioners pray that your honourable House encourage the Foreign Secretary in his representations to the Soviet Government with the purposes of obtaining Mr. Ogorodnikov's release and reunion with his wife and son. And you Petitioners, as in duty bound, will ever pray".

To lie upon the Table

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