HC Deb 04 December 1987 vol 123 cc1209-10 9.35 am
Mr. John Fraser (Norwood)

I wish to present a petition on behalf of the residents of Norwood on the subject of housing and jobs, although identical petitions will come from many constituencies in which people like the residents of Norwood express deep concern about the dearth of homes and jobs in this country.

My petitioners ask that Resources are made available to enable people to choose to be public sector tenants without suffering as a result of such a choice and to ensure that the wishes and needs of the tenants determine the plans, designs and decisions affecting their homes; My petitioners pray that There is an immediate increase in investment in public as well as in private sector housing and a reform of the system of housing finance to re-allocate resources to those in greatest need; They ask that There is a priority given to the development of planned programmes of training and retraining to standards set by the construction industry with immediate steps taken to decasualise that industry. One cannot condemn a country for problems that lie beyond its control. We do not castigate countries because they suffer from tidal waves or earthquakes. However, if a country faces a problem and the solution to that problem lies within its power, it is morally reprehensible of it to ignore its ability to exercise that power. We regard it as reprehensible if people starve while mountains of food are available. What might——

Mr. Speaker

Order. The hon. Gentleman must not enter into argument while presenting a petition.

Mr. Fraser

I understand that, Mr. Speaker.

My constituents ask the House to recognise the ability to match the needs and resources in this country with the needs expressed by thousands of petitioners who pray that this House should give them the chance to rent and live in a decent home. That is the essential and important content of the petition.

To lie upon the Table.

9.38 am
Ms. Clare Short (Birmingham, Ladywood)

I beg leave to present a petition on behalf of my hon. Friend the Member for Leeds, West (Mr. Battle) and myself from the people of Birmingham and Leeds. They have asked us to present the petition because far too many of them are living in unhealthy, damp, black mould-infested housing while they and others are unemployed. They believe that those two needs should be put together so that housing may be improved and people can be usefully employed. They request the House that 1. Resources are made available to enable people to choose to be public sector tenants without suffering as a result of such choice and to ensure that the wishes and needs of the tenants determine the plans, designs and decisions affecting their homes; 2. There is an immediate increase in investment in public, as well as private, sector housing and a reform of the system of housing finance to re-allocate resources to those in greatest need; 3. There is a priority given to development of planned programmes of training and retraining to standards set by the construction industry with immediate steps taken to decasualise that industry. It is a shame and a disgrace that, as housing in London, some of it luxury housing, becomes more expensive and glamorous, too many citizens are living in rotten, damp, mould-infested housing. If the House had the will, we could start to put that right.

To lie upon the Table.

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