HC Deb 09 April 1987 vol 114 c559

Amendment proposed, No. 66, in page 19, line 37, at beginning insert '(a)'. —(Mr. Michael Spicer.]

Mr. Wallace

The amendments to clause 25 relate to the transfer of the pilot authorities and make provision for the winding-up of the old pilotage authorities. Clause 25(3) states: Such a scheme may make provision for the payment of compensation to staff of pilotage authorities who find themselves out of work or lose their employment as a result of this legislation.

Fairly generous provision is made for pilots by way of compensation and pensions for those who find themselves out of work. The position is that there "may" be compensation for the staff of the pilotage authorities. There is not the same compulsion in the winding-up of those authorities to provide those who lose their jobs with suitable compensation, especially those people who are over 50. I want to know whether it is the Government's intention that a more proper provision should be made for the staff of pilotage authorities who find themselves affected.

Mr. Michael Spicer

Certainly the Pilotage Commission will be able to make schemes that involve the employees as well as the assets.

Amendment agreed to.

Amendments made: No. 67, in page 19, line 41, leave out from beginning to 'all' in line 42 and insert '; and

  1. (b) without prejudice to paragraph (a) above—
    1. (i)'.

No. 68, in page 19, line 45, leave out '(b)' and insert '(ii)'

No. 69, in page 19, line 49, leave out 'Subsections (4) and (5) above are' and insert 'Subsection (4) above is'.

No. 70, in page 20, line 32, leave out '(5)' and insert `(4)(b)'.

No. 71, in page 20, line 35, leave out '(5)' and insert `(4)(b)'.—[Mr. Michael Spicer.]

Clause 25, as amended, ordered to stand part of the Bill.

Clauses 26 and 27 ordered to stand part of the Bill.

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