HC Deb 26 November 1986 vol 106 cc246-7
2. Mr. Wallace

asked the Secretary of State for Scotland when he last attended a meeting of the EEC Council of Fisheries Ministers.

The Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State for Scotland (Mr. John MacKay)

As Minister responsible for Scottish fisheries I attend meetings of the Council of Fisheries Ministers and was present at the most recent one on 5 November.

Mr. Wallace

I thank the Minister for his answer. Whether he or the Secretary of State attends the next meeting, on the agenda one will expect to see a report on the negotiations between the European Community and Norway on the share-out of North sea herring for next year. Is the Minister aware that the share given to Norway last year was unacceptable to the Scottish fishing industry? Can he assure the House that Her Majesty's Government, through the Community, will press for a fairer share-out for the Scottish fishing industry in the coming year?

Mr. MacKay

I should expect the negotiations between the Community and Norway to be reported to us at the next Council meeting. In fact, the negotiations resumed today. Our objectives are, first, a fair allocation of the joint herring stock between Norway and the Community based on the recent scientific report on the zonal attachment of stocks and, secondly, to agree the transfers of herring and other species in return for transfers of white fish from Norway, which are so important to our industry.

Mr. Pollock

Did my hon. Friend have a chance to discuss at the meeting the funding difficulties experienced by the Scottish fleet? Now that the Community structural programmes are running out, has the Commission put forward any new proposals? Does my hon. Friend agree that, if possible, it would be desirable for such proposals to be in place by the beginning of 1987, so as to provide continuity of employment and support for the hard-pressed boat building yards in Scottish coastal areas?

Mr. MacKay

At our last meeting we discussed the structure proposals put forward by the Commission, but did not reach any conclusions. These matters are currently subject to negotiations in the Community and we expect to return to them at the meeting to be held on 3 December.

Dr. Godman

Has the Council considered the implications of the Falkland Island fisheries zone for EEC vessel activities?

Mr. MacKay

That was not raised at the last meeting.

Mr. Henderson

Although it is important to accept scientific evidence up to a point, does my hon. Friend agree that in negotiations with our European partners it is important to maintain the closest relationship with the Scottish Fishermen's Federation, which generally gives extremely good and wise advice to Ministers?

Mr. MacKay

Yes, I maintain very close contact with the Scottish fishing industry. As my hon. Friend rightly says, we must look to the future of the industry, not just to the year ahead in terms of total allowable catches, and so on, and to the long-term health of the stocks, which are so important to the future of the industry.