HC Deb 13 May 1986 vol 97 cc550-1
15. Mr. Viggers

asked the Secretary of State for Defence if he plans any changes in the application of defence resources to the various defence commitments.

Mr. Younger

I will be taking decisions in the usual way on the use of defence resources, but I see no need for fundamental changes in our main defence commitments.

Mr. Viggers

Does my right hon. Friend agree that, as defence costs rise, there will inevitably in due course be a need to review commitments? If commitments are to be reviewed, does he agree that that which is least consistent with fair burden-sharing among the NATO allies is the maintenance of 55,000 troops and a tactical air force in Germany?

Mr. Younger

If there were in the future a need to reconsider any of our main defence commitments, they would have to be the subject of careful consultation with NATO before they were carried out, but there is no such need at present.

Dr. Owen

Does the Secretary of State intend to announce the replacements for HMS Fearless and HMS Intrepid and make a statement about—

Mr. Speaker

Order. There is another question about that next.

Mr. Younger

I have already made it clear that I expect to consider those matters later on this summer.

Mr. Couchman

My right hon. Friend may know that I visited Swan Hunter's yard on Tyneside on Friday. Is he aware just how short of orders that fine yard is and how worrying it is to the workers there that they are still awaiting the O2 order of the type 23 frigate?

Mr. Younger

I am well aware of that position. As my hon. Friend knows, we are evaluating the bid that Swan Hunter has made for the type 23 frigate, No. O2.

Mr. Duffy

In view of yesterday's defence statement, will the Secretary of State assure the House that the commitment by his Government to provide a modern surface fleet of approximately 50 destroyers and frigates by the mid-1990s will be fulfilled?

Mr. Younger

I made it reasonably clear yesterday that while there will be some difficult decisions in the usual review of costings in the defence budget, I expect the general size of the Royal Navy to remain broadly as it is at present.