HC Deb 09 May 1986 vol 97 c398

Amendments made: No. 14, in page 3, line 15, leave out 'Act and insert 'Part or section (Training in safety matters)'

No. 15, in page 3, line 19, leave out 'Act and insert `Part or section (Training in safety matters)'

No. 16, in page 3, line 22, leave out 'Act and insert 'Part or section (Training in safety matters)'

No. 17, in page 3, line 28, leave out 'foregoing provisions of this Act' and insert 'provisions of this Part or section (Training in safety matters)'

No. 18, in page 3, line 31, leave out 'Act or any enactment amended by this Act' and insert 'Part or section (Training in safety matters) or any enactment amended by this Part or section (Training in safety matters)'[Mr. David Mitchell.]

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