HC Deb 27 June 1986 vol 100 cc664-5

Ordered, That— (1) Standing Order No. 6 (Arrangement of public business), as varied by the Order [7th November], shall have effect for this Session with the following modification, namely: in paragraph (8) the word 'five' shall be substituted for the word 'four' in line 82: (2) Notwithstanding the provisions of the Order [7th November], Private Members' Notices of Motions shall have precedence over Government business until Seven o'clock on Monday 14th July, and the ballot for these Notices shall be held after Questions on Tuesday 1st July.—[Mr. Malone.]

Ordered, That at the sitting on Wednesday 2nd July, notwithstanding the provisions of Standing Orders No. 3 (Exempted business) and No. 4 (Prayers against statutory instruments, &c. (negative procedure)), if proceedings on the Motions in the name of Mr. Secretary Fowler relating to Social Security and on the Motions in the name of Mr. Neil Kinnock relating to Housing (S.I., 1986, No. 1009) and to Social Security (S.I., 1986, No. 1010 and S.I., 1986, No. 101 I) have not previously been disposed of, Mr. Speaker shall at Seven o'clock put any Question necessary to dispose of any Motion which may already have been moved and shall then put forthwith the Question on such of the remaining Motions as may then he moved.—[Mr. Malone.]