HC Deb 04 June 1986 vol 98 cc1041-2

Amendments made: No. 341, in page 194, line 29, after 'be', insert 'given or'.

No. 405, in page 195, line 16, after '26', insert 'or 29'.

No. 406, in line 18, at end insert— '6B. Section 605 (saving for rights of creditors and contributories) shall have the same effect in relation to a building society in the course of dissolution by consent as it has in relation to a society being wound up voluntarily;'.

No. 407, in line 28, at end insert— '(2A) Section 519(7) shall have the same effect in relation to a building society in the course of dissolution by consent as it has in relation to a society being wound up voluntarily.'.

No. 408, line 35, leave out '(5)' and insert— '7A. Section 524 (commencement of winding up by the court) shall have effect as if the following subsection were inserted in it, after subsection (1), — (1A) If, before the presentation of a petition for the winding up of a building society by the court, an instrument for the dissolution by consent of the society as been placed in the public file of the society, the winding up of the society shall be deemed to have commenced on the date on which a copy of the instrument was placed on the file; and unless the court, on proof of fraud or mistake directs otherwise, all proceedings taken in the course of the dissolution shall be deemed to have been validly taken.".

7B. ' .

No. 342, in page 197, line 33, leave out '242' and insert `241'.

No. 343, in page 198, line 1, leave out `(e)' and insert `(d)'

No. 344, in page 198, line 22, leave out '6(6)' and insert `(6)'. —[Mr. Ian Stewart.]

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