HC Deb 16 January 1986 vol 89 c1203
12. Mr. Haynes

asked the Chancellor of the Exchequer when he next intends to meet the National Economic Development Council to discuss the level of wage increases.

Mr. MacGregor

The impact of wage increases on jobs was discussed at a meeting of the council on 8 January.

Mr. Haynes

When the Chancellor of the Exchequer next meets the NEDC to discuss the question of wages, will he bear in mind that many lower paid workers do not even pay income tax because of their circumstances? If he reduces income tax in the coming Budget, he will not help them very much. While he is having a go at the workers, will he have a go at his hon. Friends in the very high income bracket who have been receiving massive increases every year since he came into office?

Mr. MacGregor

May I make it absolutely clear that it would be wrong for me to say anything about what the Chancellor might do in the forthcoming Budget.