HC Deb 15 January 1986 vol 89 c1081

Mr. Harry Cohen accordingly presented a Bill to prohibit all tests of cosmetics, tobacco and alcohol and similar experiments on animals; to prohibit the draize eye irritancy test and the LD50 poisoning test; to prohibit behavioural and psychological experiments on animals; to prevent use of animals in warfare trials or experiments; to abolish the practices of hare coursing, and fox and stag hunting; to prohibit the use of domestic animals in animal experiments; to increase the penalties for convictions of causing, procuring or assisting at the fighting or baiting of dogs, cats or other domestic animals; to ban the import and sale of bull terriers and the advertising of fighting dogs for sale, including the advertising of qualities related to fighting; to regulate laboratories in which animals are bred; to reconstitute the Advisory Committee on Animal Experiments; and to promote alternatives to animal experiments: And the same was read the First time; and ordered to be read a Second time upon Friday 7 February and to be printed. [Bill 58.]