HC Deb 17 February 1986 vol 92 cc9-10
8. Mr. Peter Bruinvels

asked the Secretary of State for Energy when he last met the leaders of the Union of Democratic Mineworkers; and what matters were discussed.

Mr. Peter Walker

I have not yet met the leaders of the UDM, but I shall be happy to do so if they request a meeting.

Mr. Bruinvels

Is my right hon. Friend aware of the concern of my constituents that the Leicestershire mineworkers did not leave the National Union of Mineworkers to join the Union of Democratic Mineworkers? Will he confirm that it is in order for any individual mineworker to join the UDM if he wishes to support Roy Lynk and be an alternative voice to which the National Coal Board will listen?

Mr. Walker

That is a matter for the decision or choice of the individual miner, and I am happy to confirm that.

Mr. Wrigglesworth

Is the Secretary of State aware that his statement this afternoon is welcome? Will he condemn the unwillingness of the energy spokesmen of the Labour party to meet that important body of representatives of ordinary working people in the midlands?

Mr. Walker

It has always been the view of the Government that any leader of an officially recognised trade union should have the right to meet Ministers. That should apply to shadow Ministers as well.

Mrs. Currie

Is my right hon. Friend aware that in south Derbyshire, although the men are united in their opposition to Arthur Scargill and all his works, they are divided as to which of the coal unions they should join? Does my right hon. Friend agree that, in those circumstances, it behoves not only the National Coal Board to be completely even-handed between the unions, but the men to work together for the future of the industry?

Mr. Walker

The NCB is pursuing the policy that any employer should, which is to recognise the representatives of those who are in the majority in any location. That has been the NCB's policy, and I think that it is correct.

Mr. Janner

Has it come to the Secretary of State's attention—and will he draw it to the attention of the hon. Member for Leicester, East (Mr. Bruinvels)—that the Leicestershire coal miners remained in the NUM because they had a ballot and decided by a substantial majority that that is where they wished to remain and fight and that the vast majority of Leicestershire coal miners are behind Jack Jones and his leadership, and so am I?

Mr. Walker

I should be interested to hear whether the hon. and learned Gentleman and his colleagues are also behind Arthur Scargill.

Mr. Ottaway

Is my right hon. Friend aware that Nottinghamshire councillors who are members of the UDM are being boycotted by the Labour party? Will he assure the House and the UDM that they will always have a sympathetic hearing on the Conservative Benches?

Mr. Walker

Yes, Sir.