HC Deb 28 April 1986 vol 96 c656
26. Mr. Greenway

asked the Lord Privy Seal if he will make a statement on the arrangements authorised by the Catering Sub-Committee of the House of Commons (Services) Committee for the supply of goods to the Refreshment Department without charge and in connection with publicity within the House for the suppliers.

The Lord Privy Seal and Leader of the House of Commons (Mr. John Biffen)

The Catering Sub-Committee has not laid down any general policy on this matter. But I understand that the recent display of English apples in the Members' Cafeteria and Tea Room was specifically approved by the Chairman of the Sub-Committee in response to an initiative by the Apple and Pear Development Council.

Mr. Greenway

Will my right hon. Friend convey the thanks of hon. Members to the Apple and Pear Development Council for the excellent free apples and pears provided a fortnight ago? Will he encourage the council to provide more English apples such as Cox's Orange Pippins and Worcester Pearmains as a means of promoting the vigour and health of Members, of keeping the doctor away and of aiding a most important British industry?

Mr. Biffen

I shall certainly convey those thanks to the admirable Apple and Pear Development Council, and draw my hon. Friend's comments to the attention of the Catering Sub-Committee.

Mr. Tony Banks

Does the Leader of the House not find it unacceptable that in the Restaurants hon. Members can still purchase real turtle soup and frogs' legs? Will he instruct the Catering Sub-Committee to stop purchasing such obscene products?

Mr. Biffen

I would not normally buy those products at that price, but I shall convey those comments to the Chairman of the Catering Sub-Committee.