HC Deb 21 April 1986 vol 96 cc10-1
8. Mr. Adley

asked the Secretary of State for Transport what representations he has received about his Department's publication, "Tourist Coaches in London".

Mr. Peter Bottomley

The first representations are just arriving. Comments are invited by the end of July.

Mr. Adley

I thank my hon. Friend for his reply. Is he aware of the growing aggravation between natives and tourists at the congestion that is being caused by many of those vehicles? What would he say if British Rail decided that, instead of using stations, for which it pays rent and rates, it would park its trains in the streets, regardless of the inconvenience to other travellers? Will my hon. Friend confirm that the Government's policy is to ensure that coach operators obey the laws, meet the cost of parking, and do it now?

Mr. Bottomley

I should be slightly surprised if British Rail banned coaches from coming to railway stations to pick up or drop passengers. The report's proposals are for improving facilities for tourist coaches to include more on and off-street parking, to get better information and—what my hon. Friend asked for—more effective enforcement.

Mr. Tony Banks

No doubt everyone in the House welcomes our visitors from abroad. When can they expect a fair deal from coach operators in London, and when can Londoners expect a fair deal? The Minister has known about the problem for a long time. Why does he not ask his colleagues in the Home Office just to enforce the parking regulations, then perhaps the whole of Westminster bridge will not be clogged up with tourist coaches?

Mr. Bottomley

I do not think that I have heard a clearer condemnation of the activities of the hon. Gentleman in his previous work across the river. I have had my responsibilities for three months, while he had his for five years. I am tackling the problem, and he did not.

Mr. Soames

I congratulate my hon. Friend on this important paper. I warmly welcome the tourists who come to London and the business and prosperity that they bring to the City. However, does he agree that it is important that there should be a definite improvement in the problem this year, because it is a great bore for the ordinary people of London trying to get from A to B if they are unable to do so because of tourist coaches?

Mr. Bottomley

Yes, Sir.

Mr. Cartwright

Is the Minister aware that his document includes a picture of tourist coaches parked on Westminster bridge? Does he understand that that is now a permament feature of life, winter and summer? Does he realise that having as many as 10 tourist coaches and the odd icecream vendor on Westminster bridge is a major cause of congestion and a potential accident risk? Does he believe that that ought to be encouraged in the way that he seems to be doing?

Mr. Bottomley

The answer to the first part is yes, and to the second is no.