HC Deb 29 October 1985 vol 84 cc881-2

Lords amendment: No. 68, in page 31, leave out lines 27 and 28.

Mr. Ancram

I beg to move, That this House doth agree with the Lords in the said amendment.

Mr. Deputy Speaker

With this it will be convenient to consider the following Lords amendments:

No. 69, in page 31, line 32, after "Act" insert— (a)"bus service" means a local service other than an excursion or tour: and (b)".

No. 71, in clause 36, page 34, line 1, leave out under section 23(3) of this Act to

No. 73, leave out lines 9 to 11 and insert— (a) in the case of a proposal to which subsection (2) above applies, any part of the route in question or (as the case may be) the point, place or street in question;".

No. 74, in line 13, leave out "an existing bus service" and insert— a proposal to which subsection (4) above applies".

No. 77, in clause 41, page 38 line 22, leave out at the end of that period and insert , on the date on which a London local service licence is due to expire,".

No. 78, in clause 45, page 41, line 36, leave out "London bus service" has the meaning and insert "bus service" and "London bus service" have the meanings".

No. 282, in clause 120, page 116, leave out lines 5 and 6.

Mr. Ancram

These are minor technical or drafting amendments to part II.

Question put and agreed to.

Lords amendments Nos. 69 to 71, agreed to.

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